Gamers who plan to attend or compete at FanimeCon 2022 will be delighted to learn that they have announced their console gaming line-up. Five titles have been announced as the main console line-up with side events still being planned out.

FanimeCon Gaming has announced that Super Smash Bros: Ultimate, Tekken 7, Guilty Gear Strive, SoulCalibur VI, and Skullgirls 2nd Encore will be the main console line-up. Side events along with the PC gaming line up are still being planned. They will be announced in the future. Gamers should be aware that the line-up is subject to change.

The announcement was made in the following Tweet:

At the time of writing; FanimeCon 2022 is set to be a live event. Several cosplay gatherings have been announced while panel submissions have opened. No guests or special events have been announced yet but that will change in the future.

FanimeCon is one of the largest fan organized anime conventions and will take place on the Memorial Day weekend. Check out our coverage of the 2019 event (the last live event).

8Bit/Digi is an independent media outlet that provides an insight into the video game community and industry of the San Francisco Bay Area.

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