Tanjiro’s New Journey Begins

With the premiere of the Hashira Training Arc set for this year, fans of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba have a reason to be excited. With the season premier having already been during a special screening, it was only fitting that the fandom get to enjoy it in theaters.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – To the Hashira Training is a compilation film that combines the final episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc with the premier episode of the Hashira Training Arc. This allows fans to catch up to the last season while also introducing them to what is to come in the upcoming season. 

It should be noted that I’m anime only regarding Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba . Hence this review will not be comparing To the Hashira Training with the events depicted in the manga. Instead, my critique will be based on the anime adaptations’ own merit.

After the Swordsmith Village

The story begins near the conclusion of the Swordsmith Village Arc. Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Genya are in pursuit of the main body of Hantengu, the Upper Rank Four Kizuki. With the sun rising, Genya is unable to continue the chase while Nezuko is in danger. Despite the risks, she forces Tanjiro to finish off Hantengu. It’s during the climactic battle that Nezuko undergoes a transformation that allows her to conquer her weakness to the sun. This in turn also restores parts of her humanity. 

This transformation also captures the attention of Muzan Kibutsuji, who now prioritizes finding and consuming Nezuko to absorb her powers. Aware of this imminent threat, the Demon Slayer Corps must prepare for the final battle. Simultaneously, Amane Ubuyashiki reveals that a long-lost power of the Demon Slayer Corps has resurfaced through Tanjiro and has been passed on to Mitsuri Kanroji and Muichiro Tokito. It becomes a race to unlock this newfound power and be fully prepared for Muzan’s impending assault.

Welcome to the Hashira Training

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has consistently impressed audiences with its distinctive artistic style and high-quality animation since its inception. This remarkable visual quality remains intact in To the Hashira Training, whether during the conclusion of the Swordsmith Village Arc or the premiere of the Hashira Training Arc. Even for those who haven’t watched the previous seasons, the film provides a captivating introduction that recaps key events, ensuring an engaging viewing experience. The solid soundtrack further enhances the overall atmosphere, complementing the art style to perfection.

From a narrative standpoint, although Tanjiro is the central character, he takes a back seat once the Hashira Training Arc commences. Having had his moment in defeating another Upper Rank Demon, the spotlight shifts towards the Hashira and Amane Ubuyashiki. Despite Kagaya Ubuyashiki not being physically present, his influence is palpable during crucial moments involving the Hashira. Additionally, we also get to see more of Nezkuo embracing her humanity while also relearning how to speak (thanks to Inosuke). Plus it was great to see Tengen Uzui still fit despite what he endured during the Entertainment District Arc.

Finally, I have to commend the overall flow of the film. Rarely can a few episodes of a series be put together properly into a film. Nothing here feels rushed or choppily edited to fit a run time. Every scene has a natural flow to it while ending at the right moment.

I Haven’t Got Any Punishments

An issue with the film is the disruption in transition flow caused by the inclusion of title cards and credits at the outset of the Hashira Training Arc story. Although this amalgamation of two episodes into a movie format is understandable, it was uneasy to actually remind viewers that these two episodes have merged into a movie. Moreover, the initial intro adequately fulfilled the role of introducing credits. A seamless transition from the Swordsmith Village Arc to the Hashira Training Arc would have been achieved without this disruption.

Another issue that was hard to overlook was Zenitsu Agatsuma becoming more annoying. As a character, Zenitsu is already hard to like with his cowardice, attempts at womanizing, and low self-esteem. When he has his moments, he can be somewhat tolerable. Despite a season-long absence, he returns unbearable and obnoxious. Hopefully, he will have some real character development in the upcoming season.

A New Chapter

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – To the Hashira Training allows fans to enjoy the premier of the upcoming season in a moment of grandeur. The groundwork has been set for the next chapter in Tanjiro’s journey while also being caught up in the series. By the end, you will be excited for the Hashira Training Arc.

Disclaimer: Crunchyroll provided a screener of the film for this review.

8Bit/Digi is an independent media outlet that provides insight into the gamer community of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – To the Hashira Training





  • The artistic style and quality of the animation is still amazing.
  • More focus on the other Hashira's and Amane Ubuyashiki.
  • Nezkuo embracing her humanity brings some joy to the moment.
  • Perfect transition as moments don't feel rushed or choppily edited


  • Disruption in transition by the inclusion of title cards at the outset of the Hashira Training Arc story.
  • Zenitsu is more annoying

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