The 2024 Game Developers Conference was not just about understanding what’s new in the industry but also a chance to play some upcoming titles. During the week, I got to try some amazing titles that are out now or coming soon. This include beta versions, a demo that provided a sample of the experience and full builds of the overall game.

These are some of the games I got to check out during the 2024 Game Developers Conference. I have also included where I got to play the game.

On the Expo Floor

Ai2U is an escape room experience in which players will communicate with an NPC whose response is generated using Chat GPT. Players will type in their questions or commands to communicate with the character to which they will respond based on how you treat them. Being calm and polite will result in a friendly response while being rude or hostile results in an escalation of tension. During my demo session, I was trapped in an apartment with Eddie, a catgirl who is obsessed with me. The objective is to find the key and escape. I attempted to navigate the apartment and talk her into letting me go to no avail. It was only when I asked for some privacy in the bathroom that she went hostile and murdered me. 

Steel Seed is a stealth action sci-fi adventure set in a world where humanity hangs on the brink of extinction. Players take on the role of Zoe who is dispatched to investigate a factory that has been taken over by hostile machines. During the demo session, I got to experience playing as Zoe while also controlling her robot companion, Koby. I first had to infiltrate a section of the factory then use stealth tactics to take out or avoid hostile robots. Avoiding detection required understanding the enemy’s movements being familiar with the environment and using it to my advantage. Of course, there were challenges that required using Koby. 

AWAKEN – Astral Blade is a metroidvania style adventure that has players take on the role of Tania. She is tasked with rescuing a missing research party. The demo begins with your arrival and having to navigate the hostile world while battling a variety of creatures. This allowed me to learn the gameplay as I went while also testing my skills in exploring the world and fighting a boss.

Previews on the Expo Floor

Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles was being showcased at the Unity booth by Tomas Sala. During the preview session, I was shown the gameplay mechanics while learning how the world operates in regard to its economy and politics. While I did not get the chance to actually play the game, its visuals were mesmerizing enough that I just wanted to watch Tomas play it while also explaining everything to me.   

Day of the Devs 

Night Shift Galaxy is a starship combat/mecha game reminiscent of classics such as Star Fox 64 and Robotech: Battlecry. Players take on the role of Kit Kanzaki, a pilot who operates a starship capable of transforming into a mech. The demo begins with a tutorial as Kit endeavors to renew her pilot license. However, chaos erupts when space pirates raid the training facility, aiming to obtain licenses without completing the necessary tests. Kit successfully vanquishes the space pirates while also ensuring her own success in passing the pilot’s test.

Ai-Kode is an action RPG that is being solo developed by ACE. It’s notable for how it draws influence from Drakengard 3 and NieR Automata. Players will take on the role of Aiko, a Kyao created to protect humanity. During the demo session, players will travel between worlds learning the mechanics before fighting the Puppet. 

Crow Country is a horror survival experience inspired by the classics of the PlayStation era. Players take on the role of Agent Mara Forest of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation who has been dispatched to a theme park that closed down after the disappearance of its owner. Right away it becomes clear something sinister is taking place and it’s up to the player to not only uncover it but survive the night. 

Gameplay Summit

The Crimson Diamond is a text-based EGA inspired by classic titles like the works from Lucas Arts. The story follows Nancy Maple, a geologist from the Royal Canadian Museum, who is dispatched to the town of Crimson to investigate the discovery of a diamond found in the area. However, all is not what it seems and there seems to be something sinister happening behind the scenes. During my play session, I arrived at the Crimson Lodge and began exploring the area while learning more about everyone. 

Head Over Heels is a visual novel and dating sim. The story follows Bezz the Dullahan as she attempts to find love. After attending a speed dating session organized by her roommate, I’m given three choices. There is Cindi the Hellhound, Phos the Phoenix, and Chichi the Scylla. I went with Cindi and got to know her better while also being introduced to her younger sisters, who were puppies. 

This article is part of our coverage of the 2024 Game Developers Conference. If you attended the event, please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Disclaimer: GDC provided 8Bit/Digi with press passes for the event.

8Bit/Digi is an independent media outlet that provides an insight into the gamer community of the San Francisco Bay Area.

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